So much to tell you about this month! Keep reading below for FF discounts on DIY, and a cool festival.
This month Yoni Newman from Rabid Elephant will be doing a talk about the Rabid Elephant modules, their development process, and any other cool stuff he can come up with!. As usual, we also have time for performances. Please bring some stuff to play, show us what you’re working on, or do your first live performance! Please reply to this e-mail to let us know if you plan to play something.
Yoni Newman is a musician, artist, sound designer, and member of Rabid Elephant Artists Collective. We make electronic music instruments, records, custom rigs and various other creative outputs, all of which seek to express an ever evolving philosophy rooted in rigour, honesty and lightness. Working under these principles seems to lead to things of value, and certainly makes for a fascinating journey.
His current projects include Rabid Elephant’s latest modular designs, the upcoming releases of affiliate music project “Karla”, as well as collaborations with musician Claire Yunjin Lee.
Build Your Own Psychogeographic Noise Synth at InterAccess
Our own Gabe de Oliveira will be hosting a very cool DIY workshop at Interaccess on July 27! Please note that this is a new date.
In this hands on workshop, you will learn how to build your own experimental noise synthesizer – the Fort Processor!
The Fort Processor is an experimental noise synthesizer and audio effect circuit designed by harsh fun noise duo ISN’TSES for Fort Process Sound Art Festival in 2018. The synth is controlled by light, touch pads, 3 knobs, and a trimmer. Audio is created and manipulated by four sections which have been combined using a circuit-bent approach. All the necessary components in kit format will be provided during the workshop, as well as guidance to build your device from scratch.
NEW DATE! Saturday, July 27
Exclusive Members discount (through Frequency Freaks): $45 + $70 materials fee = $115.00
Please choose the Workshop Pass Discount when registering.

Vector Festival
Our friends over at InterAccess have asked us to let you know about Vector Festival. It looks pretty cool!
July 11-14, 2019
Locations: InterAccess, MOCA, the Ontario Science Centre, Trinity Square Video, Artscape Youngplace, Mississauga Celebration Square, Ryerson University, Electric Perfume, and Small World Music Centre
+ Invitation to VIP Reception, July 11, 6-7PM at InterAccess (950 Dupont St., Unit 1)
+ Admission to Vector Festival performance, July 12, 8-10PM at Small World Music Centre (180 Shaw St.)
+ Admission to Vector Festival screening, July 13, 8-10PM at Ryerson University School of Image Arts, Room 307 (122 Bond St.)
+ Admission to the Ontario Science Centre between July 11-14, 2019
+ Member pricing on workshop Intro to 3D Modeling: Digital Sculpting with Rhino
More information at: Vector Festival