April 2021 Call for Performances!

We hope you are keeping well as these strange times continue.  One thing that really makes our workshops is performances by members of our little community.  We want to hear from you no matter your level of experience.  It can take a lot of pluck and courage to record one of these but trust us, once you do it, you will want to do it again!  Remember, if you need some help with recording please reach out for help in our FaceBook group or on our Discord server.  There are no silly questions – we want to get you recording and participating!

Make your recording

  • Mobile phone video is great, mobile phone audio is not. 
  • Record in your DAW at the same time as you record your video.
  • Make any EQ or compression tweaks to the audio and then export it.
    • Don’t chop the audio up otherwise the next part may not work so well
  • Open a video editor – most of them should let you do the next steps.
  • Import the video from your phone or gopro or whatever camera you used
  • Import the audio that you exported from your DAW
  • Most video editors should let you use the embedded audio in the video from your phone to line up the audio you exported from your DAW.
    • If you can’t do this simply line up the audio manually – nobody will mind if it is a little off – most of the time we won’t be able to tell anyway!
  • Disable the audio track that was embedded in the video.  (sometimes this is done for you)
  • Export the video

When you are ready to submit:

  • Name the file:
    • PerformanceName_Firstname_Lastname_FF_March_2021.mp4
    • IMPORTANT NOTE – performances submitted without the verifiable real name of the performer will not be included in the workshop video
    • .mp4 and .mov are preferred
  • Contact us to get the link to upload. Deadline for uploads is noon (Toronto time) on April 6th.
  • Include links to your bandcamp page / youtube channel / soundcloud / web page in a separate text file that has the same name but ends with .txt

March 2021 Call for Video Performances

Our birthday celebration just wouldn’t be complete without YOUR performance video.  Level of experience doesn’t matter, we want to hear from everyone and we always have room for performances!  The more the merrier so crank up your inspiration mojo and start recording!  Whether it’s your first time or your 50th, we want to hear from you.  Help us make this birthday special!  Anywhere from 2-15 minutes is great 🙂

Make your recording

  • Mobile phone video is great, mobile phone audio is not. 
  • Record in your DAW at the same time as you record your video.
  • Open a video editor – most of them should let you do the next steps.
  • Use the embedded audio in the video from your phone to line up the audio you exported from your DAW.
  • Disable the audio track that was embedded in the video.  (sometimes this is done for you)
  • Export the video

When you are ready to submit:

  • Name the file:
    • PerformanceName_Firstname_Lastname_FF_March_2021.mp4
    • IMPORTANT NOTE – performances submitted without the verifiable real name of the performer will not be included in the workshop video
    • .mp4 and .mov are preferred
  • To upload your files, reach out to us through the contact form on the web site.
  • Make sure you allow enough time for us to respond so you can upload before the deadline at midnight on March 7th.
    • Include links to your bandcamp page / youtube channel / soundcloud / web page in a separate text file that has the same name but ends with .txt

It’s Our 5th Birthday!

5 years of Frequency Freaks?  Wow!  That went fast!  Happy Birthday to our Frequency Freaks community!!!  That’s 5 years of workshops, 5 years of fun synth discussions in our Facebook Group, 5 years of performances, discussions and tutorials about the instruments we love!

It is also 5 years of effort from all of you into building a friendly, caring, and helpful community.  We hope you can join us on our YouTube channel for the celebration!

The next workshop will be special!  Not only is it our birthday, it’s all about random!  The theme for this months workshop is Games and Chance.  The panel discussion will centre on this topic but you know we always find interesting tangents too!  Following that Michael Brooker will be joined by James Cigler, the inventor of PATCH: The Card Game and one of the original synth YouTubers, for a one on one interview.

Have you noticed that we have been uploading the individual segments from our last workshop to make it easier for you to find just the one you want to see?  If you didn’t maybe you’re not subscribed to our channel?  We have been uploading one segment roughly every other day and will continue to do that until 2 days before the next workshop!

Of course, we always have room for performances!  The more the merrier so crank up your inspiration mojo and start recording!  Whether it’s your first time or your 50th, we want to hear from you!

Make your recording

  • Mobile phone video is great, mobile phone audio is not. 
  • Record in your DAW at the same time as you record your video.
  • Open a video editor – most of them should let you do the next steps.
  • Use the embedded audio in the video from your phone to line up the audio you exported from your DAW.
  • Disable the audio track that was embedded in the video.  (sometimes this is done for you)
  • Export the video

When you are ready to submit:

  • Name the file:
    • PerformanceName_Firstname_Lastname_FF_March_2021.mp4
    • IMPORTANT NOTE – performances submitted without the verifiable real name of the performer will not be included in the workshop video
    • .mp4 and .mov are preferred
  • Use the contact form on the web site to reach out and we will provide a link for your upload

FF Workshop Feb 2021!

The next workshop begins at 3:00 pm February 13th
Please join us for the premiere on YouTube!
This month our panel discussion centres on upcoming changes to how we are doing things at Frequency Freaks.  This is a pretty exiting change and we’re really looking forward to sharing it with you! 

Scott Lepore will present another in the Portraits of Our Community series, and we have some performances scheduled already, but there is always room for more!  Join us for the premiere on February 13th at 3pm or anytime after that on our YouTube channel.

Did you know that even though we present each FF Workshop as a YouTube Premiere you can head to the channel to watch any workshop at any time after the premiere?  You can even replay the live chat so you don’t miss out on any of the community chatter!

Also – we have a Discord server in addition to our Facebook group.  This is a great place with channels for more in depth discussion on various topics.  If you haven’t joined the server already, please reach out via the contact form and we’ll hook you up.  There are browser, PC, Mac, and Mobile device clients available so you can access the server however and whenever you want.

Many thanks from the whole Frequency Freaks Team!


Michael Brooker has done it again by compiling another useful document! A huge list of podcasts along with links of where to find them! There should be something interesting in here for all of us 🙂

1. Art + Music + Technology (hosted by Darwin Grosse) https://artmusictech.libsyn.com/

2. Podular Modcast (hosted by Tim Held) https://podularmodcast.fireside.fm/

3. Esoteric Modulation (hosted by Edward Ball & Ben Wilson/divkid) https://www.esotericmodulation.com/

4. Source of Uncertainty [Buchla] (hosted by Kyle Swisher/Dark Sparkler & Robert) https://sourceofuncertainty.podbean.com/

5. The Rat’s Nest Podcast [patch focused] https://feeds.transistor.fm/the-rats-nest-podcast

6. Data Cult Audio [music, with appearances from Paul Stillwell/Intrepita and Heidi Chan/Bachelard] https://datacultaudio.com/

7. Why We Bleep [interviews with leading voices in modular/hardware/software synthesis] (hosted by MylarMelodies) https://www.whywebleep.com/whywebleep

8. SOUND + PROCESS [a podcast featuring compositions by artists belonging to the online community lines (http://llllllll.co), the Monome forum] https://soundcloud.com/sound-and-process

9. Knob Twiddlers Hangout [not 100% modular/hardware specific, but a great all around resource for electronic music makers] (hosted by Speedy J) https://tunein.com/podcasts/Music-Podcasts/Knob-Twiddlers-Hangout-p1331026/

10. A History of Electronic Music [a short-lived but informative podcast incl. aspects of electronic music history that are often overlooked e.g. Hammond, Krautrock, & Yellow Magic Orchestra] (hosted by Paul Sheeky) http://www.ahoem.org/?page_id=206

11. Electronic Music (hosted by Sound On Sound magazine) https://www.stitcher.com/show/electronic-music

12. Ask.Audio Synth Stories [now defunct podcast on the techniques used by electronic musicians and producers] https://www.stitcher.com/show/askaudio-synth-stories

Happy New Year!

Hey everyone, this is long, personal, from the heart, and also a first for me. I don’t really do year end, mushy holiday fluff.

Stuff happened this year. To all of us. As I take moments here and there to reflect on the year past, I realize that it wasn’t all bad, there was some really incredible stuff and as I am a glass half full kinda guy (yes, there were some moments this year when even that has been a struggle) I want to focus on the good things. There has been so much focus on the negative as we collectively kick 2020 in the ass tonight I want to make sure remember the good stuff too.

At the beginning of March I thought to myself “well – I guess that’s it for Frequency Freaks”. By the end of March some of you were kicking me in the ass to move the workshops online. We did that – and boy that first one was rough! Remember that? LoL! When I made the title screen and named the video I had no idea we would have to be apart this long. I thought one video was all we were going to do. Wow – I was very wrong!

We are still apart and there are now 7 workshops on our YouTube channel. This is not a bad thing though… WE have 7 workshops on OUR YouTube Channel!!! These videos represent our community sharing our collective knowledge with the world and (hopefully) making a positive impact by sharing creative ideas and thoughts that inspire others to try new things.
When I said that WE did that I meant it! There would not have been a single video posted on OUR channel this past year if it weren’t for YOUR contributions.

The diversity we share in personality, thoughts, abilities, and experiences along with the bond we all share through music and other creative pursuits are a positive force that binds us all and creates a unique friendship. This, more than anything, shines through in the videos and the reactions people share in the live chat during the premieres. WE have collectively made a statement that WE will support each other no matter who we are and what style of art we make. WE support and nurture creativity. WE allow the freedom to make mistakes and learn from them because WE will support and help each other.  This is powerful!

There have been some pretty cool milestones in our lives this year. Some were bigger and more difficult than others and some were small.  All were significant!  Some of you made huge personal changes. Some of you began your synth journey this year, some began their modular journey! Many of you released your first album, and some of you released more than one!  Some compiled benefit releases to help others in need, and some branched out to follow other creative pursuits like video and photography. Some asked their first questions on our Facebook group this year and all of us have learned from the questions asked and the answers generously provided by others.

You are inspiring!
Let’s draw on our collective creative energy and positivity and use it to inspire each other through 2021.

Big hugs from my family to yours and best wishes for success (whatever success may mean for you) and good health through 2021 and beyond!

Happy New Year Everyone!

December 2020 Workshop 3 Module Challenge!

As you may have heard we are doing a fun challenge for the December workshop.  A 3 Module Challenge with a Twist!  The twist is that you can use up to 3 modules – accolades and adulation will be the reward for those who can do something “musical” in a single module.  Musical being in quotes because as we all know, music IS subjective 🙂  We hope that you would like to participate and if you would like to please continue reading for more details.  If not, remember to tune in to our YouTube channel on December 12th for the premiere!

Unfortunately, with any of these challenges we need to have some rules and we hope you think these are as loose and fun as we do!

Here they are:

  1. No single voice modules – so no module that has a VCO/VCF/VCA built in.  Examples include but are not limited to Mutable Instruments Elements and Intellijel Atlantis.
    1. However, if that is all you have we will consider each individual section to be a module 🙂
  2. Output modules are NOT considered to be part of the 3 module count.
  3. Submit a video, no-longer than 3 minutes where you briefly describe your patch and then play it.
  4. Videos longer than 3 minutes will be cut at 3 minutes.
  5. The usual “no mobile phone audio” requirement for our videos is waved for this… we want you to participate!
  6. Those who do not have a modular synth are welcome to participate with a semi-modular synth with the following provisions
    1. The various components that make up your semi-modular synth all count as modules.  VCO, Filter, VCA, Sequencer, LFO, etc. all count as modules and you are limited to 3.
    2. No computer is to be used in the sound generation or control (no computer based MIDI, Clock, etc.
    3. A MIDI keyboard is considered to be a module the same way a modular keyboard would be, but trust me – we would rather see you be more creative than that!

To submit a video, please reach out via the contact form and we will send you an upload link.  We will publish every video submitted.  Obviously we won’t be able to publish videos with technical issues that we are not able to resolve with you.

Be creative and have fun!  Looking forward to seeing your videos!

Frequency Freaks Workshop November 2020

This month (Saturday, November 14) our panel will discuss Work/Life/Wiggling balance.  We will also premiere a new segment called Community Portraits which is being put together by our own Scott Lepore! 

We will try something new this month: Join us on Discord at 2:30pm for social hang out via voice and video or text chat. Then watch the YouTube Premiere at 3pm and come back to discord after the Premiere to hang out some more. If you haven’t yet joined us on Discord, send an email and we’ll send you an invitation!

As usual, we have time for for your home studio tours and performances.  Please reply to this e-mail to get the location for uploading your video and to let us know if you plan to play something.  While video from your mobile phone is completely acceptable, unfortunately, the audio is not.  If you have questions about combining your audio and video just reply to this e-mail and we will help you out.

A word on Frequency Freaks and performance.  Our community has always been very accepting and supportive.  We encourage performances from all levels from beginner, through to career musician.  As a result, many have chosen Frequency Freaks as the venue for their first live performance.  While being on YouTube might be a little intimidating don’t let it discourage you from making a video.  Music is meant to be shared 🙂 If you are new to this kind of thing and have any questions on how to do that, please reply to this e-mail and we will be happy to provide some guidance.

All genres and people are accepted and treated with respect.  All we ask is that you make most of your music with hardware (as little computer as possible).

Join us on Discord at 2:30 and on YouTube at 3:00 PM

Frequency Freaks Workshop October 2020

This month’s discussion finds Sid Tangerine, Mark Milanovich & Dakota Melin discussion Buchla. It will be a very interesting discussion covering topics such as why to choose Buchla, design philosophy, and the possibility to get (more) reasonably priced modules.Of course we also have performances from several within our little community!

Come on out and join us for the YouTube Premiere!

Of course there will be Premiere chat on YouTube but there will be an additional chat (with voice) on our Discord server for those who also wish to join there!

Frequency Freaks Workshop June 13 – Collaboration

The next workshop is from 3:00 pm to 5:00 pm ‘ish on June 13
Please join us online at our YouTube Channel!

This month we will be joined by Dakota Melin and Rich Sherkin (Lower West Side Studio) to talk about collaboration, who they are collaborating with and maybe who they aren’t 😉

Keeping to the theme of collaboration we are going to be doing some of that ourselves as detailed in our previous workshop.  In case you didn’t see it that workshop is on our YouTube Channel along with the previous workshop and some other interesting things.

The gist of it is that we are going to facilitate some random collaborations.  To participate please reply to this e-mail and let us know that would like to participate, your name and if there is a preferred genre you would like to work in.  You are encouraged to not put a genre so that you get the opportunity to stretch and maybe do something brand new!  We have had some people come forward but there is still plenty of room so please reply by Wednesday May 27 to allow ample time for everyone to make their track.  Barring a zombie apocalypse we will be letting the collaborators know who their partners are on Thursday the 28th.  Tracks should be submitted as stereo .wav files no later than midnight June 10.

Along with the music collaboration and to keep things interesting for our virtual YouTube audience (that’s you!) we would like some volunteers to do visuals for these performances too!  Visuals can be live or pre-recorded video, a series of still images, whatever. We are anticipating 5 or 6 tracks.  Please reply if you are interested in working on the visual aspects of this!  Visual artists will be partnered with the music collaborators to facilitate the creation of the video.